Tuesday, June 19, 2012

the new and important quest for stop and destroying Zalgo

now with the new reveal but still mysteries coming froim it but its here after that we were and now are on a quest to kill and destroy the megabad monster called Zalgo and stop him to. and also after all the way many digislenders slesnders man slendermons digital monsters being released into this one to we have to figth them to were going to do it both on our life now and for the fate of the whole antire world at stake from it

Monday, June 18, 2012

the escape away from the caotic battle and fighting

while the doom of the ultimate battle with Slenderclones and Slendermons were raging in a battle inside we ran out and escaped into the away from it places in the crack and crumbling proxlabs but were met by Fisk he had the slenderslaying spear and a squad of Proxies behind him he said "forgetting to grab something or called this the slenderslaying spear hahahahahahha" he blasted at me wit h it but i rolled and doged out of the way of it i blasted back at him with my Fearpowers but a Proxie jumed in the way of it and saved him i charged at Fisk and takeled him to the ground but he blasted me off and stabbed me with the spear was a bout to kill me for all when Spectre came up behind Fisk he said "time for the revenging on you by me die!" he pulled out a hooksploder gun and shot a hook through Fisk it went and hooked him to a wall and exploded i got the slenederslaying spear from him but Proxies were surrounded us and about to kill us then Patrick teleoported through one guy and did a spinning death kick on the others it killed them then we escaped from the caotic fighting going on there

Monday, June 11, 2012

Slendermons invades and attacks on us

i woke up in a captive chamber chained to the wall Spectre and Alex and Showtime and The Beast were chained to walls next to me Doctor Corenthal was standing in front of me i went to do a explosion to make the chains be off me and not trapping me to the wall anymore i was going to do it with my fearpowers but Doctor Corenthal said "dont bother for doing that you cant do it i activated my no fearpower forceshield tto make sure it doesnt theres no pint resisting my evil will" then Doctor Corenthal took out the slenderslaying spear he said "this is a so intresting specimin SlenderSlayer i wonder if i could harnass its energy for doing evil stuff with it" i said "you dont know what your messing with give me the spaer!" Doctor Corenthal ignored to me and pulugged the spear int o his special and hightech powering machine and turned it on he said "now my evil master plan is almost complete now this thing i built will take the power out the spear and into me giving me the power to kill President Slender and take over Slendermerica for my own self hahahahahhahahahah!" just when he was about to get the power from it, Patrick teloported over the machine with a sledgehammer and leaped down and smashed it to pieces he said "maybe you should have activated a no teleporting field to" Doctor Corenthal pullled out a beamshooter pistol and went to shoot Patrick but Patrick teleported closer to him and slammed him in the face with it Patrick was about to kill him but then Slenderclones busted through the walls and floor and attacked us Patrick was sruounded and going t obe dead by them but then so many thats way of slendermons digital monsters like from here  they broke through the digibarrier or known to be ther barrier from this world to the digital world where they came from now there battling with the Slenderclones in a chaotic fight meanwhile of it happening Patrick freed us thats him and me and Alex and Showtime and Spectre and The Beast he freed us from being trapped by it and we escaped

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The battling and fight wit hthe Slenderclone Army

the Slenderclones charged and attacked to us there were so many and a whole army of them Spectre set of a smoke grenade he had to buy us time we all retreated back away from the Slenderclones and got ready to battle them then the smoke cleared and the Slenderclones charged at us Alex and Spectre opened fire to them with guns and i did blasts of my fearpower at them the combined power of us three guys attacks on them killed some of the m but there were so many more Slenderclones behind and they smashed into us and attacked us with tentacle flailings at us i dealt death and doom to so many of them wit h the combine power of my Fearpowers as the Fear of President Slender and the power if the slenderslaying spear but there were way more of them Showtime had recovered from getting shot by Fisk he did a knifer bladeswirl and slashed at them too but one of them knocked him back through a wall meanwhile than that Alex and Spectre were got surrounded by Slenderclones they did a last stand gunblast on the Slenderclones but the Slenderclones cloesed in and knocked the m all out with tentacle puncher strikes to their heads me Patrick and The Beast retreated so far back into a coroner but first Patrick teleoported and got a raygun blaster that Doctor Corenthal invented then teloported to the corner where we now were the Slenderclones did a charge to get us but The Beast picked up a lab table and smashed them back with it the lab table broke into pieces and splinters he picked up one wahuge splinter from it more like a spear hahahahahahhahah thats what he used it for to attack the Slenderclones he stabbed and sliced wit hi t while Patrick blasted at the Slenderclones with the raygun blaster and i stabbed them with the Slenderslaying spear soon thought The Beast was overwelmed from the attack and he got threwn into a wall and knocked out by it Patrick dropped the raygun blaster he waas about to teleport me and him out of there but Fisk was standing on a platform above us with a snipergun rifle he shot Patrick in the back with it i was stuck here now i powered up the slenderslaying spear i was about to blast Fisk with it but Fisk shot the spear the out of my hand and into the hands of Doctor Corenthal he stabbed me with it and i went unconcious making us now to be captured guys of the evil slender forces

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Slenderclones attack on us

we went t osneak into Proxlabs and interogate Doctor Corenthal we snuck and and asassinated all the guards outside it with longrange riflesnipes and blade stabbing then we snuck into the vents for air going through them then dropped down into the main lab of the place where Doctor Corenthal was there were two Proxie ghuards with him but Spectre shot them as soon as we were dropped down from being in the vent Doctor Corenthal turned to run away and to saftey but the doors were already locked by us there was no escape for him Showtime jumped over a table and grabbed Doctor Corenthal and started slammin g and bamming him with his fists he yelled "tell us the wakeness of the Slenderclone Army or ill kill you!" Doctor Conrenthal refused of our demands at first but finaly Showtime kept punching him he gave up and said "hahahahahahahhahahha ill tell you what it is there is no weakness!" Showtime said "then im going to kill you for it!" he pulled out his knife and went t ostab and kill Doctor Coerenthal but Fisk kicked down the door and said "prepare for your fisksassination!" he puledl out pistol and shot Showtime with it it wounded him Fisk turned and shot three times at Patrick but Patrick teleported out of the way of where they were going Spectre took out an assaulting rifle and blasted at Fisk but Fisk rolled out of the way and shot back at Spectre meanwhile as the perilis gunblasting between them was happening Doctor Corenthal was bleeding so bad and smashed up in the face but still alive he yelled "unleash the Slenderclone Army hahhahahahahhahahaha!" suddenly after that Slenderclones bursted through the wall s and floor and attacked us were in a peeriles situation now

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Slenderclone Army

we have a new mission now to be fighting the evil forcs of President Slender wit hit turns out President Slender had a backup plan for if the Cthulhu got ripped out of him like it did thats what happened but lucky for him he had a backup plan for it thats him and Doctor Corenthal the Proxies scientist teamed together and made a Slenderclone Army or otherwise called an army made of clones of President Slender that Doctor Corenthal created now there on the attack against the guys fighting President Slender that means us and way more powerfull than the Proxies we have to fight them but with a strategyc plan for doing it so we decided to go to the Proxlabs the giant megalabratories  where Doctor Corenthal runs them were going to sneak into one of the m and interogate Doctor Corenthal into telling us the wakness of the Slenderclones

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Plan

this is it the plan to make President Slender dead for all and ever times me and Spectre and Alex and Showtime and Patrick and The Beast are staying in the nowtimes to fight President Slender here with the Resistance Movement and the Defenders Against Slenders thats will be here in this blog now for our adventures and here to SlenderSage and Survivor Alpha and Survivor Zeta and Survivor Epsilon and Sigma and Super got a timecruiser or called a cruisership that sppeds through the time river they got one from the Defenders Against Slenders theyre going back through the timeriver to searchfor Slender Mans origin and way to destroy of him thats here Ragnawarrior took a ride back with them to his hometime ofthe Viking Ages to find Thor and Beardman Vikingmaster and stop to the wayhuge meanace of the Jormungous Serpent read it here ALEXSHELPER used his time cantine and teloportal to travel to go fight the new guy who now took over the SS or known to be truly revealed now as called the Secret Conspiracy of Slender read his hunting of him the new leader of it here Sherlock Homes recruited some guys for him known to be the Chrono Nomad from his blog or called http://chrononomadsrulebook.blogspot.com and Ava fro m The London Librarian a trulysmart and cancer library person whos not really dead The Messenger is a liar for the slenderspiracy theyre all theree of them traeveling through time by Chrono Nomads timetravel powers to find and solve time mysteries of Slender Man or maybe not Slender Man find out for and their solving of them here thats what it is the ultimate plan for kill of President Slender forever

The Next Chapter of The Utimate SlenderSlaying Quest of Our Time

hello i am the SlenderSlayer this is the next chapter in my ultimate quest for doom on Slender Man or as now known President Slender. after the ultimate final battle with Slenderthulu and megamegacosmicrake Patrick teloported me and Alex and Spectre and  ALEXSHELPER and Sherlock Homes and SlenderSage and Ragnawarrior and Survivor Alpha and Survivor Zeta and Survivor Epsilon and Sigma and Super and Showtime and The Beast and the surviving guys from the Defenders Against Slenders army and hisself to a Resistance Movement base that survived the StarSpawn assault on the Resistance Movement before the happening of the final battle we all healed for our wounds and hurted stuff fro mthe battling the n we had a meeting for making plan for how to destroy the slender menace once and for all