Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Plan

this is it the plan to make President Slender dead for all and ever times me and Spectre and Alex and Showtime and Patrick and The Beast are staying in the nowtimes to fight President Slender here with the Resistance Movement and the Defenders Against Slenders thats will be here in this blog now for our adventures and here to SlenderSage and Survivor Alpha and Survivor Zeta and Survivor Epsilon and Sigma and Super got a timecruiser or called a cruisership that sppeds through the time river they got one from the Defenders Against Slenders theyre going back through the timeriver to searchfor Slender Mans origin and way to destroy of him thats here Ragnawarrior took a ride back with them to his hometime ofthe Viking Ages to find Thor and Beardman Vikingmaster and stop to the wayhuge meanace of the Jormungous Serpent read it here ALEXSHELPER used his time cantine and teloportal to travel to go fight the new guy who now took over the SS or known to be truly revealed now as called the Secret Conspiracy of Slender read his hunting of him the new leader of it here Sherlock Homes recruited some guys for him known to be the Chrono Nomad from his blog or called and Ava fro m The London Librarian a trulysmart and cancer library person whos not really dead The Messenger is a liar for the slenderspiracy theyre all theree of them traeveling through time by Chrono Nomads timetravel powers to find and solve time mysteries of Slender Man or maybe not Slender Man find out for and their solving of them here thats what it is the ultimate plan for kill of President Slender forever

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