Monday, September 24, 2012

the assassination attempt and plot for doing it

me and Alex and Spectre and Patrick and Showtime and the Beast and now Zeke Strahm to snuck into and infilltrated the Slender House tahts what the white house is called now as Slendermerica we shrunked down into a tomic size and got in the microminismall sub that was inside the bullet to be firing into President Sledner now President Slender was in the middle of giving a evil speech to Proxies and servents of him about how to kill and destroy us guys but then we were got shot into President Slender by a automatic sniper rifel no hands required for it shooting i piloted the microminismallsub down farther into President Slender Zeke Strahm said "the intelligenced guys said the command module was inside President Slenders ribcage so protected by it" i piloted the microminismallsub down to inside President Slenders ribcage and i was just about to launch a microrocket at the command module to blow and destroy it and the slenderclones to when we were got attacked by so many antitruder slenderbodies their micro scopic orgnisms like antibodies only a tomic sized versions of President Slender and inside of him the swarmed and surrounded the microminismallsub i activated the machinegune turrets on it and killed so many of them but there was a whole hoard of them and not stopping anytime soon they were about to rip it apart and us to but Patrick took a macrogrowgun that he stole from Doctor Corenthal way back when the slenderclones army was first happening he shot the microminismallsub with it and grew it up to the normal huge size of a submarine it ripped through President Slenders chest and we escaped from it we were about to and going to escape away from the Slender House when Doctor Corenthal came he said "hahahahhahahahhahaha your all going to die now and be crushed to release the giant slenderclone!" a gigantiac slenderclone charged at us Showtime did a knife stab on it but didnt slow it down and he got knocked back the giagantic slenderclone was about to smash us but Patrick teloported us to saftey Spectre said "i have a plan a way to kill him and make him dead wait here hey slenderclone over here!" he shot the gigantic slenderclone throught the head with his hooksploder gun only not exploder hook this time grapple hook instead he grappled up to the giantic slenderclone planted c5s in its head and exploded it the slenderclone died and droped down from death Spectre jumpoped off it said "glad thats done" but then Doctor Corenthal came out hew as in a mechabattlewalker and knocked Spectre nonconcous and attacked us from it Alex di d a running gunvolver charhge on it but Doctor Corenthal blasted him with so many bullets it almost killed him i took out the slenderslaying spear said "get ready for your death now from the slenderslaying spear so much power in it and now on you in deathform" i charged up the spear with so much deathblasting power but he said "remember that time i took the slenderslaying spear well guess what you thought you stopped me from getting the ultrapowerful data from how it works but thats what i wanted you to think you won over me you didnt i actually got the ultrapowerfull data and now i know how the slenderslaying spear works and how to stop it! and after i kill you im going to use the ultrapowerfull data to build my own slenderslaying weaopon of destruction of slenderman and use it to kill President Slender and rule Slendermerica myself! hahahahahahhahahhahahhaha" he put up a suporpowerfull holoshield that reflected the deathblasting power beam back at me and hit me it almost killed me he was about to finish me off when Fisk jumped down from a FBS strikechopper he pulled out a gunblasting hugevolver said "you think your so tough and smart guy well lets see how smart you  are with a bullet in your head from me or my guys! team attack!" a FBS strikerforce jumped down from the strikechopper on ropes and opened fire with submachine pistols Doctor Corenthal used a rocketshooter launchgun on his mechabattlewalker it killed some of the FBS guys then he used machineturret guns to blast even more of them to being dead they were so outpowered Fisk rolled and jumped onto the mechabattlewalker started shooting and blasting so many rounds of bullets into it with his gunblasting hugevolver it wounded Doctor Corenthal so bad he couldnet pilot the mechabattlewalker anymore Fisk punched throgh the top of the mechabattlewalker and ripped Doctor Corenthal out of it he said "now time to die tratrous punk!" he was about to blow out Doctor Corenthals brains all out of his head when a digislender slendermons warpers guy attacked the FBS team shot it so many times but it didnt affected by it it warped them all into the digital world Fisk dropped Doctor Corenthal and ran at the digislender slendermons warper guy blasting at it with his gunblasting hugevolver but he got warped into the digital world to me and Alex and Spectre and Showtime and Patrick and the Beast and Zeke Strahm tried to escape away from it but it was way to powrfull and fast it warped us and trapped us in the digital world follow our adventures to escape from it now in this new blog thats here

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